Who and what you think you are. And Who and what you choose to be. This dictates all choice every choice you have made in your life. And ever will make. The true renounce does not renounce, but simply chooses differetly. This is an act of moving toward something, not away from something. You cannot move away from something, because it will chase you all over hell and back. therefore resist not temptation but simply turn from it. Turn toward me and away from anything unlike me. There is no when before after There is only NOW. An eternal moment of always in which you are experiencing yourself. The point of life in not to get anywhere. It is to notice that you are and have always been, already there. You are always and forever, in the moment of pure creation. The point of life is therefore to Create who and what you are and then experience that.
Scott Huy
2014-07-03 07:54