'23.06.28   06:56 https://youtu.be/jOSnOuIVsBE (Shostakovitch: Waltz No.2 _ ??? Quartet) https://youtu.be/USElnzr6cNE (Shostakovitch: Waltz No.2 _ John Campbell) https://youtu.be/TDjOz0Faw7A (Shostakovitch: Waltz No.2 _ Prometheas String Quartet) c.f - The image quality of the wide-angle lens of the iPhone 13 mini is bad, but the image quality of the semi-wide lens is not bad. - DAILY, FUTILE WORRIES - "The morning air is refreshing. But, don't I really look like a rabbit?"
2023-07-10 01:48