슬프다 슬프다 (be) sad; distressed; grieved; tearful; saddening; sorrowful; mourn-ful; doleful; distressing; 『애처로운』 touching; pathetic; plaintive (목소리‧ 음조 따위가). ┈┈• 슬픈 이야기 a sad tale [story]; a pathetic story ┈┈• 슬픈 소식 (a piece of ) sad news ┈┈• 슬픈 노래 an elegiac [a plaintive] song ┈┈• 슬픈 목소리로 in a sad [plaintive] voice ┈┈• 슬픈 나머지 in (the excess of ) one’s sorrow [grief ] ┈┈• 즐거울 때나 슬플 때나 in joy and in sorrow ┈┈• 슬픈 얼굴을 하다 look sad [unhappy, sorrowful]; have a sad look on one’s face ┈┈• 슬픈 경험을 하다 have a sad experience ┈┈• 슬프도다 Alas ! or Woe is me ! ┈┈• 그것을 생각하면 ∼ It is sad to think of it. ┈┈• 그를 생각하면 슬퍼진다 It makes me feel sor-row when I think of him. ┈┈• 너무 슬퍼서 눈물도 안 나온다 My grief is too deep for tears.
2007-02-15 20:51